1. Overview

Privacy Policy of Quidinsights Private Limited

This privacy policy outlines the practices of "Quidinsights Private Limited" regarding personal data collected from individuals who engage with us through our digital platforms. This includes research or potential clients, research partners, participants (such as consumers or professionals).

1.1 Objective

Commitment to Privacy

Quidinsights is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. We adhere to relevant laws and regulations when collecting personal information, ensuring transparency, and promoting a secure user experience.

1.2 Policy Guidelines

Respect for Privacy

Quidinsights's policy is to respect and protect your privacy. We comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding personal data collected via our website and other platforms we control.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to external sites and services. Quidinsights is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites.

Transparency and Compliance

Our privacy policy ensures transparency, giving you confidence when using our services. We may provide additional details when you sign up for specific products or services.

1.2.1 Data Collection

Types of Information Collected

  1. Voluntarily Provided Information: Data you actively provide while using our services.
  2. Automatically Collected Information: Data sent automatically by your devices when accessing our services.

Data Minimization and Purpose Limitation

We collect and process only the necessary personal information for legitimate purposes, adhering to the principle of minimization. We do not target children under the national age of consent, nor do we knowingly collect their data.

Processing Personal Data

We process personal data required for our operations, ensuring its reliability, accuracy, completeness, and currency. We detail the legal basis for data collection and processing, which varies depending on the services you use.

Consent and Sensitive Information

Personal information includes identifiable data such as names, contact details, and preferences. We seek your consent before processing such data, especially for sensitive categories like racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and health information. We apply enhanced security measures to protect this data.

Cookie Policy

A "Cookie" is a small data file stored on your device when visiting our website. We use cookies to understand your site usage and enhance your experience. You can decline cookies, but this may limit your access to some services.

Cookie Policy

This policy covers the use of cookies for all Quidinsights users, both internal and external.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. This policy is part of Quidinsights’s Privacy Policy and includes information on third-party services that may also use cookies.

Managing Cookies

You can instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our site. However, this may affect your access to certain content and services.

Understanding Cookies

A cookie is a small data file stored on your device during a website visit. It contains information about the site, a unique identifier, and additional data serving the cookie's purpose.

Types of Cookies

  1. Essential Cookies: Crucial for core website functions like logins and payment processing.
  2. Functionality Cookies: Collect information about device settings and user preferences to enhance your experience.
  3. Marketing Cookies: Measure website performance and marketing campaign success, helping to display relevant content. These include:

You can withdraw your consent for cookies at any time. However, this won't affect the use of information collected prior to withdrawal.

Contact Us

For inquiries about withdrawing consent or other privacy concerns, please contact us using the details provided below.

2. Fulfilling Your Contract or Transaction Requests

To fulfill a contract or transaction you request, we may need to utilize your personal and payment information to process and deliver your order. For instance, when you purchase a product, service, or subscription from us, this information becomes necessary for us to complete the transaction.

Legitimate Interests

We process your data based on our legitimate interests, which include the following purposes:

When you visit our website, our servers may automatically log standard data provided by your web browser, such as your device’s IP address, browser type and version, the pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, time spent on each page, and other details about your visit. The data collected depends on your device and software settings. We recommend checking your device manufacturer’s or software provider’s policies to understand what information they make available to us.

Additionally, if you encounter errors while using our site, we may automatically collect data about the error and the circumstances surrounding its occurrence, which may include technical details about your device, your activities at the time of the error, and other relevant information. This information might not be personally identifying on its own but could be combined with other data to identify individuals.

Transaction Data

"Transaction data" refers to information that accumulates during normal operations on our platform. This can include transaction records, stored files, user profiles, analytics data, and other metrics generated as users interact with our services.

User-Generated Content

"User-generated content" refers to materials (text, images, videos) voluntarily provided by users for publication, processing, or use on our platform. This content is associated with the account or email address used to submit it. Content submitted for publication becomes our property after posting and review. It cannot be used beyond market research purposes (e.g., advertisements, customer testimonials) without express written permission. Once published, it may be accessible to third parties not covered by this privacy policy.

Legal Compliance

We may be legally obligated to use or retain your personal information in certain cases, such as court orders, criminal investigations, government requests, and regulatory requirements. For further inquiries about our retention of personal information to comply with the law, please contact us using the details provided in the Contact Us section of this privacy policy.

3. Ensuring the Security of Your Personal Information

We protect personal information within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.  

You are responsible for selecting a secure password and ensuring the security of your information within our services. For instance, you must keep passwords associated with your personal information and accounts secure and confidential.

We comply with applicable laws concerning data breaches.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain personal information only as long as necessary. The duration depends on the purpose of using your information, in accordance with this privacy policy. For example, personal information provided to create an account will be retained as long as the account exists. If no longer required, we will delete or anonymize your information. However, we may retain personal information for legal, accounting, or reporting obligations or for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific, historical research, or statistical purposes.


4. Recipients of Your Personal Information and Their Locations

We may disclose personal information to:

Third-party services we currently use include Google Analytics, Google Ads, LinkedIn Insights Tag, Google Cloud Natural Language, Azure Application Insights, Azure Cognitive Services, Amazon Web Services, Help Scout, Twilio, Rev, Hotjar, Drift Chatbot, Marketo, Sense, Research Defender, Imperium, IPQualityScore, RelevantID, and MaxMind.

If acquired or in bankruptcy, your data, including personal information, may be transferred to acquiring parties. Such transfers will comply with applicable laws, and the new owners may use your information according to this policy.

Personal information is stored and processed in the United States or where our partners, affiliates, and third-party providers maintain facilities. The countries may not have the same data protection laws as your home country. Transfers will comply with applicable laws and protect transferred personal information according to this policy.

Security Measures

Access to private, sensitive, and confidential information, including personal information, is restricted to authorized employees with legitimate business reasons. Employees are expected to maintain confidentiality, with disciplinary measures for breaches.

We employ technical and management practices to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of data stored on our system. We use physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards and encrypt sensitive information transmissions using SSL technology.

Your Rights

Access: You can request details of the personal information we hold about you. We may limit access where it is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy or violates others' rights.

Your Choice: By providing personal information, you understand we will collect, hold, use, and disclose it according to this policy. You do not have to provide personal information, but not doing so may affect your use of our website or services.

Information from Third Parties: If we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will protect it as per this policy. If you provide personal information about someone else, you must have their consent.

Marketing Permission: You can change your mind about direct marketing by contacting us.

Correction: Contact us to correct inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading information.

Non-Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights. Your use of our services won't be denied or differently priced unless required for a specific service.

Complaints: Contact us with complaints about data protection law breaches. We will investigate and respond promptly. You can also contact a regulatory body or data protection authority.

Opt-Out: You can opt-out of your data being disclosed to third parties or used for purposes different from the original. Contact us at compliance@Quidinsights.com. Opt-out rights have exceptions, such as ongoing contracts or legal requirements.

European, Australian, and Canadian Rights:

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this policy as necessary to comply with relevant laws. We will notify you of any significant changes via email or notification on our website. Updated versions will be indicated by a revised "Last Updated" date and will take effect once accessible. Continued use of our services implies acceptance of changes. If not accepted, you should refrain from using our services and notify us of your intent.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about your privacy, you can contact us using the following details: